Forum Submissions Guidelines

~Forum Submissions are NOW OPEN FOR 2024-2025!~

The Northwestern Undergraduate Journal forum is a student-run legal blog. All entires must be law-related addressing topics including but not limited to, Supreme Court Cases, patent law, legal precedents and history, medical law, and more. Papers need not be on American law; they can be on the laws or legal system of any country. We only accept written works by undergraduate students.

Submissions for the NULJ Forum should be double-spaced in a Microsoft Word Documents, 12-point font and in Helvetica. Word limits for Essays are 1800 words, excluding references. Longer papers should be shortened to fit this word limit before submission. Papers should utilize Chicago citation style and include a bibliography and endnotes. Submissions from Northwestern students will be given priority.

In the document, please also include the following information:

  • Your name

  • Current email address

  • College/university and year of graduation

  • Title

  • Bibliography and endnotes in Chicago citation style

Each document should be ordered as followed:

  • Author Full Name 

  • Article 

  • Endnotes 

  • Bibliography

Endnotes must be formatted as followed: 

Bibliography guidelines:

  • Font Name: Helvetica 

  • Font Size: 12

  • Spacing: Double Spaced 

  • Format/Style: Chicago

Submission Guidelines

  • NULJ Member: Submit via Email to the NULJ at 

  • Non-NULJ Member: Submit article via the form on 

  • Format: Word Document 

    • Expect to make edits on a google document later

Maximum Word Count: 1800

We accept past class assignments, blog articles, senior theses, and other other essays relating to the field of law. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis. The NULJ does not honor any personal attacks or articles with offensive content or language. We reserve the right to remove any articles that violate our guidelines. Selections for the NULJ are competitive and selective. All articles submitted to our Forum should meet the following submission guidelines. If you have any questions, please email the NULJ at