Abortion and the Presidential Election: Examining Laws in the Swing States

By: Cate Bikales

Edited by: Sarah Wachs and Jonathan Perkins

It has been almost two years since the federal right to abortion was overturned in the‬ monumental‬‭ Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision. In that time, the‬ pro‭-choice/pro-life debate has come to the forefront of politics. As many GOP lawmakers push for stronger abortion restrictions, Democrats are fighting to restore the federal right to abortion once guaranteed in‬ Roe v. Wade.‭[1]‬ For‭ pro-choice lawmakers and activists, abortion has served as a winning issue.‬ Ballot measures protecting and/or expanding abortion rights won in all six states where they appeared in 2022, including red‬ and‭ purple states, and elections in Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky in November proved that voters‬ are‭ ready and willing to turn out to maintain their right to bodily autonomy.[2] Many‬ Republican politicians have struggled to articulate a position on abortion that would satisfy the beliefs of strictly‬ pro‭-life evangelical Christians and pro-choice moderate/swing voters.[3]‬ Abortion is set to be a‬ critical‭ issue of debate as this year’s presidential election draws closer.[4] Since the overturning of Roe in 2022, President Biden — who seeks‬ re‭-election this year — has called on Congress to codify abortion rights and has expanded access to‬ abortion‭ medication and emergency abortions at hospitals through executive orders.[5] He has‬ also‭ attacked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for eroding reproductive rights.[6]‬ Trump‭ released a video on April 8 stating his official stance on abortion: “My view is now that‬ we‭ have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote‭ or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In this‬ case,‭ the law of the state.”[7] The former president’s‬ stance‭ on abortion has shifted greatly over time, from being “very pro-choice” in 1999 to vowing to overturn Roe and defund Planned Parenthood in 2016.[8]‬ There are six swing states in the 2024 election; a swing states is a state with similar levels of Republican and Democratic support and which are crucial in determining the outcome of presidential elections.[9] These states are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada,‬ Pennsylvania,‭ and Wisconsin, and each one has differing‭ laws on abortion.[10] It remains to be seen how abortion will impact this year’s presidential election, but it could be a determining factor in which candidate wins these swing states. Below is a summary of abortion laws in each swing state.‬


On‭ April 9, 2024, the Arizona Supreme Court issued a decision that allows the state to‬ renforce‭ a pre-statehood, near-total ban on abortion from 1864 against medical providers, except those‬ necessary‭ to save a pregnant person’s life.[11] The ban will not be enforced until June 8. [12]‬ Until‭ then, abortion remains legal up to 15 weeks into a pregnancy.[13]‬ Both‭ Democratic and Republican lawmakers have criticized the Arizona Supreme Court’s‬ recent decision. “This ruling is a result of the extreme agenda of Republican elected officials‬ who‭ are committed to ripping away women’s freedom,” Biden said in a statement following the‬ decision‭. “Vice President Harris and I stand with the vast majority of Americans who support a‬ woman’s‭ right to choose. We will continue to fight to protect reproductive rights and call on‬ Congress‭ to pass a law restoring the protections of‬ Roe v. Wade for‭ women in every state.”[14]‬ Even‭ Trump said that the ban goes “too far” and called on Arizona lawmakers to change‬ it;‭ however, he still defended the overturning of‬ Roe v. Wade which‭ has allowed states to ban the procedure‭.[15]‬


Under‭ current law, abortion is banned after six weeks — the earliest that a fetal heartbeat‬ can‭ be detected — except in cases when the pregnant person’s life is at risk or in cases of rape and‬ incest‭ given that a police report is filed; the Georgia Supreme Court upheld this law in an‬ October‭ 2023 ruling, reversing a lower court decision that struck down the law.[16] This decision‭ has made abortion largely inaccessible in the South.[17]‬ Following‭ the decision, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre released a statement on behalf‬ of‭ the Biden administration: “Today, the Georgia Supreme Court upheld a devastating abortion‬ ban‭ that has stripped away the reproductive freedom of millions of women in Georgia and‬ threatened‭ physicians with jail time for providing care… President Biden and Vice President‬ Harris‭ won’t stop fighting until the protections of‬ Roe v. Wade are‭ restored in federal law.”[18]‬ Since‭ stating that abortion rights should be left to the states, Trump has come‬ under‭ fire from Georgia conservatives, who are calling for national restrictions on abortion.[19]‬


In‭ 2022, voters enshrined the right to abortion into the state constitution, eliminating abortion restrictions in the state of Michigan.[20]‬ Michigan‭ Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has been outspoken about her thoughts on‬ abortion,‭ saying that “it would be good” if President Biden was more vocal on the issue of‬ abortion‭ rights.[21] “I think people want to know that this is a president that is fighting… To use‬ more‭ blunt language, maybe that would be helpful,” she said in an interview with CBS News in‬ January‭.[22]‬ She‭ has also criticized Trump for his role in overturning‬ Roe.‭ “When Donald Trump says‬ he’s‭ proud that he overturned Roe, pay attention to what he really means: he’s proud to lead the‬ charge‭ to let politicians interfere in women’s private medical decisions,” she said in a social‬ media‭ post in April. “[President Biden] and [Vice President Harris] will stop a nationwide‬ abortion‭ ban and protect reproductive rights. We need to fight like hell to make sure they win in‬ November‭.”[23]‬


In‭ Nevada, abortion is legal up to the 24th week of pregnancy.[24] Lawmakers advanced a bill in 2023 that would‬ enshrine‭ protections for abortion in the state constitution.‬[25]‭ If passed again in 2025, and voters support the measure on the 2026 ballot, these protections‬ will‭ be added to the state constitution.[26]‬ President‭ Biden’s aides have said they see abortion rights as one of the keys to winning‬ the‭ battleground state. “...President Biden and Democrats won [Nevada] in 2020 and again in‬ 2022‭. And this year, we have the message and the infrastructure to win yet again,” a Biden‬ campaign‭ aide told reporters, according to ABC News. “These are states where voters‬ overwhelmingly‭ support a woman's right to choose and where abortion rights will likely be on‬ the‭ ballot [as well in November].”[27]‬ In‭ a visit to Las Vegas on April 15, Vice President Harris warned Nevadans that a Trump‬ presidency‭ may limit access to abortion and birth control in the state.[28]


Abortion‭ is legal up to the 24th week of pregnancy in Pennsylvania.[29] According to‬ Axios,‭ about half of Pennsylvania swing voters said that the presidential candidates’ stances on‬ abortion‭ will influence how they vote in the fall.[30] While the data, which comes from two‬ online‭ focus groups conducted by Engagious/Sago on Pennsylvanians who voted for Trump in‬ 2016‭ and Biden in 2020, does not represent a statistically significant sample, it does illustrate  how‬ some‭ voters are thinking and talking about this issue.[31] Out of the 11 participants, six said‬ they‭ would take Robert F. Kennedy Jr. over either of the presumptive nominees, although they‬ wanted‭ more clarity on his specific abortion policies.[32] Only one agreed with Trump’s opinion that‬ abortion‭ policy should be left to the states.[33]‬


In‭ Wisconsin, abortion is legal up to the 22nd week of pregnancy.[34] Following the‬ Dobbs decision‭ in June 2022, providers across Wisconsin‬‭ had stopped offering abortion because‬ of‭ a state law that was widely interpreted as banning abortions except in cases when the pregnant‬ person’s‭ life was at risk.[35] However, in Sept. 2023, Dane County Circuit Court Judge Diane‬ Schlipper‭ ruled that the 19th-century law banned feticide, rather than abortions performed with a‬ patient's‭ consent, allowing for abortion services to resume in the state.[36]‬ In‭ late April, two Wisconsinites harmed by Trump’s abortion restrictions traveled to four‬ spots‭ across Wisconsin to tell their stories and campaign for President Biden.[37] “What I went‬ through‭ was nothing short of barbaric and it did not need to happen,” said Amanda Zurawski at a‬ round‭ table event in Madison. Zurawski suffered from “catastrophic complications” at 18 weeks‬ but‭ could not get an abortion because Wisconsin’s abortion ban at the time made it illegal. “It‬ was‭ completely avoidable. It was preventable, but it did happen because of Donald Trump.”[38]‬


  1. Amiri,‭ Farnoush. “In post-roe era, House Republicans begin quiet push for new‬ restrictions‭ on abortion access.” AP News, 25 June 2023.‬ ‭https://apnews.com/article/abortion-access-estrictions-house-republicans-mife‬pristone‭-0d4c0b1dedd9e7f7408ecc84899d5c16‬.‭‬

  2. ‭Cohen,‭ Rachel. “How abortion rights advocates won every ballot measure this‬ year‭.” Vox, 11 November 2022.‬ ‭https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/23451074/abortion-ballot-measure-mi‬dterms‭-kentucky-montana-michigan‬.‭‬

  3. Ax,‭ Joseph. “How abortion could impact the 2024 US elections.” Reuters, 14‬ Dec‭. 2023.‬ ‭https://www.reuters.com/world/us/how-abortion-could-impact-2024-us-election‬s‭-2023-12-14/‬.‭

  4. R&WS‭ Research Team. “Swing State Voters’ Support For Abortion Rights Ofers‬ Hope‭ to Democrats.” Redfeld & Wilton Strategies, 7 Dec. 2023.‬ ‭https://redfeldandwiltonstrategies.com/swing-state-voters-support-for-abortion‬-‭rights-ofers-hope-to-democrats/.‭‬‬

  5. Wang,‭ Amy and Guild, Blair. “How Biden’s abortion stance has shifted over the‬ years‭.” The Washington Post, 17 April 2024.‬ https://www‭.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/17/biden-abortion-stances/‬.‭‬

  6. Wang and Guild. “How Biden’s abortion stance has shifted over the‬ ‭years.”

  7. Knowles,‭ Hannah and LeVine, Marianne. “Trump says abortion should be left to‬ states,‭ does not endorse national limit.” The Washington Post, 8 April 2024.‬ ‭https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/04/08/trump-abortion-stateme‬nt

  8. Wang, Amy and Usero, Adriana. “How Trump’s abortion stance has shifted over‬ ‭the years.” The Washington Post, 8 April 2024.‬ https://www‭.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/08/trump-abortion-stances/‬.‭‬

  9. “Swing‭ state.” Merriam-Webster, accessed 21 April 2024.‬ https://www‭.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/swing%20state‬.‭‬

  10. Davis Jr., Elliott. “Biden Visits Pennsylvania. Here’s What to Know About the‬ Swing‭ State.” U.S. News, 18 April 2024. ‭https://www.usnews.com/news/elections/articles/the-2024-swing-states-pennsy‬lvania‭-could-sway-the-2024-election‬.‭‬‬‭

  11. “Abortion in Arizona.” ACLU Arizona, 10 April 2024.‬ ‭https://www.acluaz.org/en/issues/abortion-arizona‬‭‬.

  12. Bushard, Brian. “Arizona Will Not Enforce 1864 Abortion Law Until June.”‬ Forbes,‭ 19 April 2024. ‭https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/04/19/arizona-will-not-enforce‬-‭1864-abortion-law-until-june/?sh=42c51f681b1.

  13. Haines, Julia. “Where State Abortion Laws Stand Without Roe.” U.S. News, 10‬ April‭ 2024.‬ ‭https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/a-guide-to-abortion-laws-by‬-‭state‬.‭‬

  14. “Statement from President Joe Biden on Arizona Supreme Court Decision to‬ Uphold‭ Abortion Ban from 1864.” White House, 9 April 2024.‬ https://www‭.whitehouse.gov/briefng-room/statements-releases/2024/04/09/stat‬ement‭-from-president-joe-biden-on-arizona-supreme-court-decision-to-uphold-‬abortion‭-ban-from-1864/‬.‭‬

  15. Barrow, Bill and Gomez Licon, Adriana. “Trump says Arizona’s abortion ban‬ ‭goes too far while defending the overturning of Roe v. Wade.” AP News, 10 April‬ 2024‭.‬ https://apnews‭.com/article/trump-abortion-arizona-law-forida-ban-7cdd6d2e3c‬320a89ec7a7c037824e7cd‭.‭‬‬

  16. ‬‭“SisterSong v. State of Georgia (Georgia).” Center for Reproductive Rights, 26‬ July‭ 2022.‬ ‭https://reproductiverights.org/case/post-roe-state-abortion-ban-litigation/sisters‬ong‭-v-state-georgia/#:~:text=Status%3A%20The%20Georgia%20Supreme%20‬Court,remaining%20claims%20in%20the%20case‭.‭‬‬

  17. “Georgia Supreme Court Allows Six-Week Abortion Ban to Remain in Efect as‬ Legal‭ Challenge Continues.” ACLU, 24 Oct. 2023. ‬‭https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/georgia-supreme-court-allows-six-week-ab‬‭ortion-ban-to-remain-in-efect-as-legal-challenge-continues‬‭‬.

  18. ‬‭“Statement from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Georgia Supreme Court‬ Decision‭ Upholding Abortion Ban.” White House, 24 Oct. 2023.‬ ‭https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefng-room/statements-releases/2023/10/24/stat‬‭ement-from-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-on-georgia-supreme-court-decis‬‭ion-upholding-abortion-ban/‬‭‬.

  19. Bluestein, Greg. “Trump’s abortion stance faces Georgia backlash on both sides‬ ‭of the issue.” AJC Politics, 9 July 2024.‬ https://www‭.ajc.com/politics/trumps-abortion-stance-faces-georgia-backlash-o‬n‭-both-sides-of-the-issue/IKTOTV6HUJDO7CMXPKOBVEIEHI/.‭‬‬

  20. ‭Haines. “Where State Abortion Laws Stand Without Roe.”

  21. ‬‭Barkof, Sophia. “Gretchen Whitmer says it "would be good" if Biden was more‬ vocal‭ on abortion.” CBS News, 20 Jan. 2024.‬ ‭https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gretchen-whitmer-wants-biden-more-vocal-on‬‭-abortion/‭‬.‬

  22. ‬‭Barkof. “Gretchen Whitmer says it "would be good" if Biden was more‬ ‭vocal on abortion.”

  23. @gretchenwhitmer, “When Donald Trump says…,” X, 8 April 2024. ‭https://twitter.com/gretchenwhitmer/status/1777355934831886338‬‭‬.

  24. Haines. “Where State Abortion Laws Stand Without Roe.”

  25. Haines. “Where State Abortion Laws Stand Without Roe.”

  26. ‬‭Haines. “Where State Abortion Laws Stand Without Roe.”

  27. Cathey, Libby et al. “Biden campaign sees abortion rights, independent voters‬ ‭as key in Arizona and Nevada.” ABC News, 18 Mar. 2024.‬ https://abcnews‭.go.com/Politics/biden-sees-abortion-independents-key-arizona‬-‭nevada/story?id=108253332‬.‭‬

  28. ‬‭Solis, Jenifer. “Harris warns a second Trump term would endanger abortion‬ rights‭ in Nevada.” Nevada Current, 15 April 2024. ‬‭https://nevadacurrent.com/2024/04/15/harris-warns-a-second-trump-term-woul‬‭d-endanger-abortion-rights-in-nevada/‭‬.‬

  29. ‬‭“Abortion.” Department of Health, accessed on 21 April, 2024.‬ https://www‭.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/Maternal-Health/Pages/Abortion.aspx‬#:~:text=Under%20Pennsylvania%20law%2C%20an%20abortion,life%20of%2‬‭0the%20pregnant%20person‬‭

  30. Scott, Eugene. “Focus groups: Swing voters aren't buying Trump's abortion‬ stance‭.” Axios, 11 April 2024.‬ https://www‭.axios.com/2024/04/12/abortion-trump-biden-voters-poll‬.‭‬

  31. ‬‭Scott. “Focus groups: Swing voters aren't buying Trump's abortion‬ stance‭.”

  32. Scott. “Focus groups: Swing voters aren't buying Trump's abortion stance‭.”

  33. ‬‭Scott. “Focus groups: Swing voters aren't buying Trump's abortion‬ stance‭.”

  34. “Interactive Map: US Abortion Policies and Access After Roe.” Guttmacher‬ Institute,‭ 8 April 2024.‬ https://states‭.guttmacher.org/policies/wisconsin/abortion-policies‬.‭‬

  35. ‬‭Sherman, Carter. “Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin to resume abortion care‬ after‭ judge’s ruling.” The Guardian, 14 Sep. 2023.‬ ‭https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/14/wisconsin-abortion-planned-p‬arenthood‭.‭‬‬

  36. ‬‭Lehr, Sarah. “Abortions resume in Wisconsin after 15 months of legal‬ uncertainty‭.” NPR, 21 Sep. 2023.‬ ‭https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/09/21/1200610927/abortions-re‬sume‭-in-wisconsin-after-15-months-of-legal-uncertainty‬.‭‬

  37. ‬‭Spears, Baylor. “Women harmed by abortion restrictions campaign against‬ ‭Trump in Wisconsin.” Wisconsin Examiner, 17 April 2024.‬https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2024/04/17/women-harmed-by-abortion-restrict‬ ‭ions-campaign-against-trump-in-wisconsin/‬‭‬.

  38. Spears. “Women harmed by abortion restrictions campaign against‬ Trump‭ in Wisconsin.”


“Abortion‭.”‬ Department of Health,‭ accessed on April 21,‬‭ 2024.‬ https://www‭.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/Maternal-Health/Pages/Abortion.aspx#:~:text=Und‬er%20Pennsylvania%20law%2C%20an%20abortion,life%20of%20the%20pregnant%20pers‬‭‭on. 

‭“Abortion in Arizona.”‬ACLU Arizona, 10 April 2024.‬ https://www.acluaz.org/en/issues/abortion-arizona.‬

‭Amiri, Farnoush. “In post-roe era, House Republicans begin quiet push for new‬ ‭restrictions on abortion access.”‬AP News, 25 June‬‭ 2023.‬ https://apnews‭.com/article/abortion-access-estrictions-house-republicans-mifepristone-0d4c0‬b1dedd9e7f7408ecc84899d5c16.‬ 

‭Ax, Joseph. “How abortion could impact the 2024 US elections.”‬ Reuters, 14 Dec. 2023.‬ ‭https://www.reuters.com/world/us/how-abortion-could-impact-2024-us-elections-2023-12-14‬/‭.‬

Barkoff,‭ Sophia. “Gretchen Whitmer says it "would be good" if Biden was more vocal on‬ abortion‭.” ‬CBS News,‭ 20 Jan. 2024.‬ ‭https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gretchen-whitmer-wants-biden-more-vocal-on-abortion/.

‭Barrow, Bill and Gomez Licon, Adriana. “Trump says Arizona’s abortion ban goes too far while‬ ‭defending the overturning of Roe v. Wade.”‬ AP News‭,‬‭ 10 April 2024.‬ https://apnews‭.com/article/trump-abortion-arizona-law-florida-ban-7cdd6d2e3c320a89ec7a7‬‭c037824e7cd.‬ 

Bluestein,‭ Greg. “Trump’s abortion stance faces Georgia backlash on both sides of the issue.”‬ AJC Politics,‭ 9 July 2024. https://www‭.ajc.com/politics/trumps-abortion-stance-faces-georgia-backlash-on-both-sides-o‬f‭-the-issue/IKTOTV6HUJDO7CMXPKOBVEIEHI/.

Bushard,‭ Brian. “Arizona Will Not Enforce 1864 Abortion Law Until June.”‬ Forbes,‭ 19 April‬ 2024‭.‬ ‭https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/04/19/arizona-will-not-enforce-1864-aborti‬on‭-law-until-june/?sh=42c51ff681b1.‬

Cathey,‭ Libby et al. “Biden campaign sees abortion rights, independent voters as key in Arizona‬ and‭ Nevada.”‬ABC News,‭ 18 Mar. 2024. https://abcnews‭.go.com/Politics/biden-sees-abortion-independents-key-arizona-nevada/story?‬‭id=108253332.‬ 

Cohen,‭ Rachel. “How abortion rights advocates won every ballot measure this year.” ‬Vox,‭ 11‬ November‭ 2022.‬ ‭https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/23451074/abortion-ballot-measure-midterms-kentu‬‭cky-montana-michigan.‬ 

Davis‭ Jr., Elliott. “Biden Visits Pennsylvania. Here’s What to Know About the Swing State.”‬ U.S. News,‭ 18 April 2024.‬ ‭https://www.usnews.com/news/elections/articles/the-2024-swing-states-pennsylvania-could-s‬way‭-the-2024-election.‬ 

‭“Georgia Supreme Court Allows Six-Week Abortion Ban to Remain in Effect as Legal‬ ‭Challenge Continues.”‬ ACLU‭, 24 Oct. 2023.‬ https://www‭.aclu.org/press-releases/georgia-supreme-court-allows-six-week-abortion-ban-to-‬‭remain-in-effect-as-legal-challenge-continues.‬ 

@gretchenwhitmer,‭ “When Donald Trump says…,”‬ X,‭ 8‬‭ April 2024,‬ https://twitter‭.com/gretchenwhitmer/status/1777355934831886338.‬ 

‭Haines, Julia. “Where State Abortion Laws Stand Without Roe.” ‬U.S. News, 10 April 2024.‬ ‭https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/a-guide-to-abortion-laws-by-state.‬ 

“Interactive‭ Map: US Abortion Policies and Access After Roe.” ‬Guttmacher Institute,‭ 8 April‬ 2024‭. https://states.guttmacher.org/policies/wisconsin/abortion-policies.‬

Knowles,‭ Hannah and LeVine, Marianne. “Trump says abortion should be left to states, does not‬ endorse‭ national limit.”‬ The Washington Post,‭ 8 April‬‭ 2024.‬ ‭https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/04/08/trump-abortion-statement/

Lehr,‭ Sarah. “Abortions resume in Wisconsin after 15 months of legal uncertainty.”‬ NPR,‭ 21 Sep.‬ 2023‭.‬ ‭https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/09/21/1200610927/abortions-resume-in-wisc‬onsin‭-after-15-months-of-legal-uncertainty.‬ 

R&WS‭ Research Team. “Swing State Voters’ Support For Abortion Rights Offers Hope to‬ Democrats‭.”‬ Redfield & Wilton Strategies,‭ 7 Dec. 2023.‬ https://redfieldandwiltonstrategies‭.com/swing-state-voters-support-for-abortion-rights-offers-‬hope‭-to-democrats/.‬ 

Scott,‭ Eugene. “Focus groups: Swing voters aren't buying Trump's abortion stance.” ‬Axios,‭ 11‬ April‭ 2024. https://www.axios.com/2024/04/12/abortion-trump-biden-voters-poll.‬

‭Sherman, Carter. “Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin to resume abortion care after judge’s‬ ‭ruling.”‬ The Guardian, ‭14 Sep. 2023.‬ https://www‭.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/14/wisconsin-abortion-planned-parenthood.‬

“SisterSong‭ v. State of Georgia (Georgia).”‬ Center for Reproductive Rights,‭ 26 July 2022.‬ https://reproductiverights‭.org/case/post-roe-state-abortion-ban-litigation/sistersong-v-state-ge‬orgia/#:~:text=Status%3A%20The%20Georgia%20Supreme%20Court,remaining%20claims‬‭‭%20in%20the%20case.‬

Solis,‭ Jeniffer. “Harris warns a second Trump term would endanger abortion rights in Nevada.”‬ Nevada Current,‭ 15 April 2024.‬ https://nevadacurrent‭.com/2024/04/15/harris-warns-a-second-trump-term-would-endanger-ab‬ortion‭-rights-in-nevada/.‬

‭“Statement from President Joe Biden on Arizona Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Abortion‬ ‭Ban from 1864.”‬ White House‭, 9 April 2024.‬ https://www‭.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/09/statement-from-p‬‭resident-joe-biden-on-arizona-supreme-court-decision-to-uphold-abortion-ban-from-1864/.‬

“Statement‭ from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Georgia Supreme Court Decision‬ Upholding‭ Abortion Ban.”‬ White House,‭ 24 Oct. 2023.‬ ‭https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/24/statement-from-p‬‭ress-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-on-georgia-supreme-court-decision-upholding-abortion-ban‬‭.‬/

“Swing‭ state.” ‬Merriam-Webster,‭ accessed 21 April 2024.‬ https://www‭.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/swing%20state.‬

‭Wang, Amy and Guild, Blair. “How Biden’s abortion stance has shifted over the years.”‬ The Washington Post,‭ 17 April 2024.‬ https://www‭.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/17/biden-abortion-stances/.‬

Wang,‭ Amy and Usero, Adriana. “How Trump’s abortion stance has shifted over the years.”‬ The Washington Post,‭ 8 April 2024.‬ https://www‭.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/08/trump-abortion-stances/.‬